Marvin Dreblow is a German visual artist who was raised in Lower Saxony's countryside, the Wendland, and moved for his studies in fine arts to Bremen some years ago. For his work, his main interest lies in his own subjective and the society's relationship to spaces and things we identify as nature. He mainly uses photography to document his thoughts and perceptions.

2021||EU Art – Europäische Akademie Berlin
2021||Bremer Freiheit – Open Space Domshof
2020|Poříčí nad Sá|Der fremde Blick – Poříčí nad Sázavou
2020||Was man von uns aus sehen kann, Fotografien aus Norderney – University of Arts Bremen
2019||a_sample – Galerie am schwarzen Meer
2019||liminal, zur Kunst – Kunstmuseum Bremerhaven
2019||labbt, snabbt, bara  – Lichthof, AdBK Karlsruhe
2018|Osnabrü|EMAF, European Media Art Festival –

2021|Bremer Senatsstipendium
2021|Teilnehmer des neuen BFF-Förderpreises 2022